Murdered Gay Journalist Who Mocked Conservatives Accused Of Grooming His Killer At 15 | ZeroHedge

A left-wing Philadelphia journalist who was murdered earlier this month allegedly began grooming his killer in a gay relationship that started when the accused man was 15-years-old, and had threatened to post sexually explicit videos of him online," police say.

Josh Kruger was murdered Oct. 2 after someone entered his home, shot him seven times at the base of his stairs, and then fled. Kruger ran outside seeking help from his neighbors and collapsed, where police found them after responding to call just before 1:30 a.m.

The 39-year-old was rushed to rushed to the Penn Presbyterian Medical Center, where he died.

Now, the Philadelphia Inquirer reports that the family of Kruger's alleged killer, 19-year-old Robert Davis, says Kruger began a years-long relationship involving drugs that began when Davis was just 15-years-old. Davis remains at large.

Robert Davis, 19, is suspected of murdering Kruger

As the Inquirer reports:

Following Kruger's murder, many highlighted his frequent mocking of conservatives over rising crime in Democrat-run cities. 

In January, he tweeted: "It's a tiresome and incredibly outdated bigoted trope to claim all gay men are pedophiles," adding "if I've seen any consistent thing with the modern American right, it's that anything they accuse you of, they're actually guilty of themselves."


In addition to big Ed Buck vibes, Kruger also said that 'Pizzagate,' a theory of an elite pedophilia ring in Washington DC which came to light during the 2016 election after a "pizza-themed map" belonging to John Podesta was discovered, "is the reality of the fringes in America," which he said justified "a slow system of checks and balances."

The Inquirer also reported that Kruger had HIV, meaning he was knowingly exposing Davis (and others?) to the disease.

Journalist Jack Posobiec of Human Events has noted several prominent Democrat politicians who came out in support of Kruger following the murder.


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