“Like Carlo In The Car In The Godfather” – Epstein’s Brother Tells Tucker, Pathologists Said “Doesn’t Look Like Suicide” | ZeroHedge

Earlier in the week, we saw Jeffrey Epstein's brother Mark explain to Tucker Carlson how he has struggled to obtain basic documents related to his bother's death in federal custody.

As the identities of Jeffrey's various 'associates' is released this week, it is clear from the 'eliteness' of this list of alleged creeps that many people stood to benefit from Epstein's perpetual silence and Tucker Carlson expressed skepticism about the official cause of death being ruled suicide, writing:

Carlson highlights the fact that the mainstream media largely ignores big questions such as – who Epstein worked for, the origin of his wealth, and the true cause of his death, particularly whether it was suicide or murder.

Specific to the third question (because we can guess at the other two), Mark Epstein reiterates his unsuccessful attempts to identify other inmates or obtain records from the night of the death.

Mark criticizes the handling of his brother's body, the unavailability of key records, and the apparent lack of a thorough investigation by the Department of Justic

Epstein then details the peculiar circumstances found in the autopsy report, which don't align with a typical hanging suicide.

Specifically, he highlights the broken neck bones more consistent with strangulation or a physical attack rather than a hanging.

Mark also points out the absence of expected physical signs on the body if it had been hanging for an extended period, further casting doubt on the suicide narrative.

These details, combined with the lack of transparency from authorities, fuel his belief that his brother was murdered​.

Tucker clarified:

Epstein confirmed and responded, "that's a scary thought that you can be killed in prison by the government. Because again, my life would have been a lot easier if he committed suicide."

A good question… to which we will likely never know as Mark concludes:

Carlson finishes by pointing out that it appears officials at the highest levels are lying about the circumstances surrounding Epstein's death. His brother agrees, and wants the truth: 

Watch the abbreviated interview below…

Watch the full interview here at TCN.

For a deeper dive, Declan Hill's podcast goes into all of the details surrounding Epstein's death…

For example:

Is it any wonder that Mark Epstein has questions…

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