Google CEO Pledged To Use AI To Counter “Fake News”, Racism, & Populism After Trump Victory | ZeroHedge

Authored by Michael Shellenberger via Public Substack,

Google CEO Sundar Pichai today addressed public upset with its AI chatbot, Gemini, for its political bias.

But Google’s bias has been on public display since August 2017, when Pichai fired a Google employee named James Damore for writing a ten-page memo criticizing the company's diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) policies, particularly its “Bias-Busting” training.

And the partisan bias of Google was expressed a few days after voters elected Donald Trump as president during an “all hands” employee meeting.

One Google executive nearly started crying when recounting that Trump won.

Pichai struck a more neutral political tone in comparison to his colleagues.

But after a Google employee suggested that Trump won due to “misinformation” and “fake news coming from fake news websites being shared by millions of low-information voters on social media,” Pichai specifically pointed to the use of artificial intelligence to achieve the aim of countering “misinformation.”

Pichai then suggested that Google was already manipulating search results.

Pichai emphasized that there would be a technological solution to the information that Google executives believed had resulted in Trump’s victory.

'Public' subscribers can read the full post here…

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