NYPD To Send Drones Over Backyard Barbecues This Weekend | ZeroHedge

Want to throw a barbecue in NYC this weekend? The NYPD's got you covered – with drones.

According to AP, the city plans to pilot the unmanned aircraft in response to complains about large gatherings over labor day weekend – including private events.

"If a caller states there’s a large crowd, a large party in a backyard, we’re going to be utilizing our assets to go up and go check on the party," said assistant NYPD Commissioner, Kaz Daughtry.

Privacy (more…)

Continue ReadingNYPD To Send Drones Over Backyard Barbecues This Weekend | ZeroHedge

15 Years On, Google’s Chrome Has Taken Over The World | ZeroHedge

When Google announced the release of its own web browser Chrome in 2008, many people asked themselves why Google was building a web browser.

In retrospect, the better question would have been, why Google hadn't built a web browser earlier. After all, the company's entire business was people using a browser to access Google's services.

As a matter of fact, as Statista's Martin Armstrong reports, the plan to make a Google web browser had existed for years, (more…)

Continue Reading15 Years On, Google’s Chrome Has Taken Over The World | ZeroHedge